Sunday 22 August 2010

A Changing Life by Peta

“Jen love, sit next to me and keep quiet for five minutes, I have something to tell you.”

Matt nervously twisted a strand of hair tightly around his finger.

“I have decided to have the surgery.” Jen’s jaw dropped as she stared at Matt in disbelief.

“Now before you go off your trolley just listen to me.” Matt hurried on. “This isn’t a sudden decision, I have been thinking about it a long time. You know that. Now that I have Gran’s inheritance I can finally afford it without going into all sorts of debt. It will be the beginning of a new life for me.”

Matt stood and wandered to the window. He stared dreamily out at the manicured gardens. He always thought they were beautiful this time of year,. He turned back towards Jen who’s mouth still hung open.

“Come on girlfriend shut that gob of yours. It’s very unattractive.”

Jen obeyed Matt’s direction, then finally found her voice.

“Matt are you sure about this? There’s no going back. You know that. What’s wrong with things the way they are? I thought you were happy?”

“It’s not a question of not being happy. I am “happy” whatever that means but I am not me. I have lived this lie far too long. It is time for me to leap forward.”

“Some leap! Into the unknown. You have no idea what lies ahead if you take this path.”

“Jen, I don’t expect you to understand. How could you. You’re a woman. You have everything I want and you take it for granted. No offence. It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with this. Don’t rain on my parade. Just hug me and be the great friend you have always been.”

Matt stretched out his arms towards Jen. She fell into them and hugged him tightly.

“I am just so scared for you darling.” Jen spoke softly into Matt’s chest.

“I know, so am I.” Matt sighed with resignation.

“What if they botch it up?” Jen asked with concern.

Matt laughed. Jen joined him.

“But seriously.” Jen said. “A sex change is a very complex operation, there are so many things that could go wrong. Have you thought about that?”

“What do you think? Of course I have thought about it. It’s all I have been thinking about. It’s why it’s taken me this long to do it. Once they cut off my dick I’m in no man’s land – pardon the pun.” He cackled infectiously. “But love you know what, I have to do this. I don’t want to be the local he-she any more. I want to walk proudly in my Jimmy Choos without all the snide remarks and finger pointing. You don’t know what it’s like to be the butt of everyone’s jokes. The best thing you can do for me is to organise my coming out party – make it huge! Gran will pay for that too – loads of champagne and caviar and MEN, lots of gorgeous MEN! Let’s say November 12th, I should be ready by then.”

“oh and Jen, you are not to tell a soul. It will be our little secret until then.”


Scriveners said...

Kerry says:
That's some life-changing decision, Peta. Very nicely told story. You've used the conversation format to really give us an insight into the relationship between the two.

Rick said...

This had to be a challenging piece Peta. I began to get inside the head of someone facing that never-ending gender conflict.