Sunday, 22 August 2010

Kunhn-Tucker Conditions v2 23-8-10 Gordon

Further work on the SEM Book
The yellow area was edited in detail. The boxed areas are new this week. Unfortunately Figure 3.12 did not download properly this week.
The chapter is getting close to finished and is about 20 pages long.

SEM Book KT 23-8-10


Unknown said...

Hi Gordon.

I'm not sure if my brain was sharper this week or if your editing simplified things a little -- but it did seem somewhat easier to follow.

I spent a bit of time mulling over your conclusion, and, whilst I appreciated the simplicity, also felt I would have liked a little more spice in it - of the "why?" or "WIIFM" flabour - a reminder about context. I do appreciate that I am not your intended reader.

BTW - who IS your intended reader?

I'm amazed by the work, Gordon.
Do you find the commitment to blog it adds anything to the project?

Scriveners said...

Kerry says:
I can see your commitment to getting this done is really making a difference. You're on a roll.
I understand the introductory paragraph was new this week. I just had the feeling that you had a different, less-informed reader in mind there which doesn't quite fit with the reader who would be dealing with the complexities of the remainder of the chapter.