Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The land that time forgot unfinished work!! by Peta

“Touch down!” I sang merrily into my trip recorder, affectionately known as Tommy. My capsule had hit the ground with a tremendous bone rattling thud. My whole body felt jarred to the core.

“The good news Tommy, is that the instruments indicate an earthling compatible atmosphere. No need to lug around the oxygen tank today. All the better for sampling.”

This was my 37th landing in as many days. I was growing weary. And lonely. Tommy was not a talker and I was getting sick of the sound of my own voice. But after the success of this mission I would surely be upgraded to Shuttle Supreme with my very own robotic assistant wired for sound. The thought of it was exhilarating.

“But don’t worry Tommy I will never forsake you, my faithful, only, friend.” I smiled to myself at the ridiculousness of it. Capsule craze was beginning to set in. Just as well this was the final drop off.

As far as I could tell I had landed in dense undergrowth. Very little could be seen through the portholes which were obscured by blinds of thick green leaves of a variety I didn’t recognise. I prepared for disembarkation, strapping my sample bag to my hip lanyard and testing my tazer for battery charge. You could never be too careful.

“OK Tommy lets go.”

I struggled to open the hatch. It seemed to be obstructed by the plant life. Finally, alighting from the capsule I adjusted my sensors against the strong sunlight peppering through the massive trees surrounding our landing site.

“Day 37. We have successfully negotiated an entry to Planet 462. At 10.28 pm the light source is still available and the temperature is approximately 35 degrees. It is dry, not a breath of wind. I am surrounded by huge trees of up to 150 feet tall. Trunk diameter is approximately the size of a large Humvee. A number of trunks appear to be hollowed out, not due to natural causes. They may be housing for local inhabitants. As yet no engagement with any superior life form.” I stop to take a sample of bark and soil.

“I am now heading towards a clearing. I can hear distant noise, rumbling. Possibly thunder although the sky looks clear. Now there is a tremor in the earth. I am emerging into a clearing.”

“Well Tommy, I think we can clearly identify the source of the noise.” I continued, lowering my voice.

With as little movement as possible I set up my digital camera to automatic. It quietly clicked off photo after photo of the massive herd of animals galloping by.

“The beasts are similar to earth’s rhinocerous species with a few exceptions. The largest beast is about the size of a dinosaur, the smallest, presumably an infant, is dog size. Triangular wings are formed in the upper middle back.”


1 comment:

Scriveners said...

Peta, what a great start to a fascinating scenario where the protaganist appears to be on an exploration mission to various locations around space with only his automated trip recorder for company. So many questions to be answered! I wonder if you've come back to the story in the meantime and added to it. I'd love to see how it resolves itself.

I loved the detail you have included - oxygen tank, hip lanyard, tazer etc. Gives the story some real authenticity for me.

I liked your astronaut character and would be interested to get to know more about him/her as a person as the story progresses.
